EXILE has an extensive history of offering free and inclusive events that celebrate print culture in our community.

We offer educational workshops, exhibitions, performances, readings, and talks, as well as organizing the annual Miami Zine Fair.

EXILE has an extensive history of offering free and inclusive events that celebrate print culture in our community.

We offer educational workshops, exhibitions, performances, readings, and presentations, as well as organizing the annual Miami Zine Fair.


EXILE Projects

Fountainhead Artists Open 

Join the artists who run EXILE for Fountainhead’s Artists Open this Saturday, May 11 from 1 pm - 5 pm. Explore the studio and learn more about the works of Amanda Keeley, Katelyn Kopenhaver, Brett Oliveri.
For more information, please visit the Artist Open website. 

About our artists:

Amanda Season Keeley is a visual artist and curator based in Miami. Her practice utilizes the language of printmaking, sculpture, and text-based works which often take the shape of community collaborations and multimedia interactive installations.

Katelyn Kopenhaver is an interdisciplinary artist and troublemaker. She weaves the overlooked realities that hover just below our day-to-day consciousness, the occurrences we knowingly disavow or are conditioned to suppress. Watchful of advertising, media, and the place where truth and lies circulate, she utilizes print-based media and her body to deliver commentary that raises questions and challenges our perception of reality and that of ourselves.

Brett Olivieri is a designer, sound artist, and sculptor who creates alternative 3D functional objects that blend whimsical lines and everyday utility. With much of his inspirations coming from the natural world, he looks at architecture and buildings and imagines what furniture, objects and music we might find living inside.


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© Exile Projects, 2025